
a tidbit of news

This week was a bonzer for our little Timo! He had an interview to see if he would need to get into preschool, and he passed with flying colors. And not just that, but he charmed the pants off the teachers! He is so sweet and silly, he smiles and it can make an icecube melt. We sure are proud of our Timo and excited to have a whole extra year before he starts school.

On the flip side, this week has been rough on Mikey (and, yes, us.) He has just begun teething and is a drooler, a screamer, a pooper, and has a slight fever. It's pretty spectacular that we don't remember our infancies. I wouldn't want to remember the uncomfortable diaper changes with cold, wet wipes, or bloated bellyaches, and especially not the teething!!! I know those teeth will pop out soon and we'll have a brand new smile to blog.

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