

After fixing my midnight snack I was coming back upstairs to do more school work, when all of a sudden (Jaws music playing in the background) I saw a HUGE shadow in the stairwell! Glancing nonchalantly over, I was immediately stopped in my tracks. A huge freakish spider was staring me down. It had my number and was taunting me. Hugging the opposite wall, I ran upstairs to grab the largest shoe available (a size 12 Reebok - thanks honey!) Kneeling mere inches away from the largest spider I've ever been near (without it being in captivity), I prepared to smoosh it against the wall. Between thinking about how long it's legs were and consequently how fast it could probably run, and the smoosh mark it would surely make, I panicked. I ran to the front door, leaving the yucky buggy between me and those precious little boys. Luckily I found my neighbor sitting on his porch and begged him to come kill my pint-sized foe. After the deed was done and the carcass was lugged outside, trying to catch my breath, I blog this incident to you all. My skin still crawls with my imaginations rendering of creepy crawlers. I need Jeremy to come home and save me from this Arachnaphobia!


Brent Hope said...

I'm not sure if you know this or not but...that spider on the stairway wall was on its way back to your room where it's other spider buddies hang out. Don't worry though. There's probably only 10 or 12 more just like it lurking in your closet.

Becka said...

Very comforting!