
Back to blogging

Okay, so with some awkwardness, I have decided to begin to blog once again... hopefully this time I will keep up with it! 

So, as a quick update, we are all doing good and the boys are growing older and older. Somehow they always manage to do that even when I keep forbidding it! We've spent a lot of time this summer swimming, playing sports, and just hanging out. It has been relaxing and comfortable. 

I have been taking a little break on school but this fall I will begin the last push towards finishing. Student teaching is so exciting it's going to make it even more real that I will one day (soon!) be a teacher in my own classroom! I hope you're looking forward to lots of posts about how confusing/awesome/scary/amazing that experience will be. :) 

Oh, these are the best little monsters in the world!
(Photos taken with Instagram by me!)


Ugh, homework...

Lately, it seems that I have not been doing anything except going to my new job (at a call center), coming home to my two littlest guys, and trying to do homework through the rest of the evening (or at least between all the other mom jobs).

Actually, tonight, as I write this I am actually avoiding doing an assignment for my latest education class...

Ugh, homework...

Then a couple of days ago, as I was catching up some of my blog reading, I read a story that Ashley Sullenger wrote on her blog. Ashley and her husband, Patrick, lost their only child in July, an adorable 16 month old girl, in a accidental drowning. To put it simply, I just do not know how a person can be so strong after going through something like that. To read her post, click here. She is such an inspiration to me, a living breathing example of the grace of God and the power of our Savior.

Before bedtime, take a minute and make sure you tell your little ones how much they mean to you... We do not know how long we have been given these joyous blessings...


20(10) in 2010

There's an old man living in my house now. 
He stands about 6 feet 1 inch tall (on a good day) and has big muscles to lift stuff with. 
He has THE most radiant smile - seriously have you ever seen those chompers! 
He has the deeply gorgeous green eyes that can see through my tough shell and into the soft candy center. 

He is the man of my dreams, the one true human being that can make me laugh even when I really don't want to. 
He makes me want to be a better person, so that I can deserve him! 

MY old man turned 30 a few days ago.
He had a great birthday and two cakes! What luck!

So, To My GEEZER, I love you more with each passing year and hope that this is the best year ever for you! 

With love, Your slightly less-old wifey!