
A Political Rant

The last few years have definitely been a growing experience for me. I never knew I, of all people, could be so intrigued politically. I am decidedly Republican, very conservative, (and if you frequent Jeremy's blog) NOT a liberal gay!

I applaud McCain's choice in his running mate, Sarah Palin. Not only is she a smart, talented, beautiful woman, but she is a hard working mom, which is something I particularly respect. The recent criticism that she's come across in the liberal media is absolutely disgusting!

Here are my top 3 related complaints:

First, media has been harshly criticizing her ability to successfully raise her small family and hold this major public office. Is anyone asking the same question to Obama? I have frequently seen his two young girls being toted around to various speaking engagements during this campaign. If he becomes the 44th American President, who will be raising his young girls? (A nanny? Boarding school? Prospective First Lady Michelle? - That's a laugh!) For not knowing her personally, Sarah seems to have a very loving and helpful family that are willing to give their time and energy into helping make her political dreams become a reality.

Secondly, every family has its ups and downs. Brittany, Sarah's oldest daughter (17) is pregnant. Sarah has said that Brittany will have a rough life ahead of her, and that it will take the help and support of her family to get through the next few years. I have heard a saying, maybe you've heard it too; "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."

Third, her relative "inexperience". She has been in a public office since 1992 (I'm a college girl now, so i know that's 16 years). When she was only 28 she began her journey and has made steady progress to this point in her life. On the other hand, Obama, who everyone in the media has deemed "a hero", has only held a public office for about 5 years. Before that he taught law at a college!!! She is obviously well spoken, talented, and a dedicated woman who has worked hard for this opportunity.

Most of all, I guess I would just say that it is highly unnerving that the same liberal hate-mongers who are beating down Palin, were praising Senator Clinton just a few months back.

I give Sarah Palin (and her whole family) a huge "Thank You" for re-energizing my hopes and desire for a better American future.

Oh, yeah, and "Ha Ha Ha Ha (nee-ner, nee-ner, nee-ner)" to those liberal nutty-buddies. Go home and cry into your hot pink pillows.


Travis said...

ive only recently come over to the mccain side but i agree wholeheartedly with you.

Unknown said...

So, okay, We see things totally different politically...I don't think that McCain is a good choice for president, but that is my belief and you have yours. I do, however, agree with you on the bad things said about Palin. I think she certainly has things under control, and seems like a very stong American Woman. Now, one thing, you should know. her daughters name isn't brittney, it is Bristol. I love you, and love reading your blog. I learn so much about you everyday! Your sis, vicky

Becka said...

Thanks for the correction! I knew it was Bristol, I just was thinking Brittany. Oops! So, why do you think Obama is a better choice than McCain?

Jeremy said...

Too bad the media has turned this into a popularity contest. You're only "cool" if you vote Obama. I guess I'm not cool.

Becka said...

I already knew about your "coolness" level! Sorry honey! ;)

Unknown said...

Hey, so I just wanted to comment really quick before I go to bed. I Loved debating with you tonight it was fun....granted, i get a little heated about a few push point issues.....anyways, I love you.....Oh, and the comment from Jeremy about it being a popularity contest.....uh yeah, its a race to the white house, of course the most popular person will win....they get the most votes!!! :) DISCLAIMER: these are my own opinions, and everyone is entitled to their opinions......I love you sis very much! Please call me tomorrow????Or I'll call you :)

Jeremy said...

The problem with the presidential campaign being a popularity contest is voters and people alike tend to jump on the bandwagon. They do this without studying the candidates and learning their policies. All potential voters need to know what they are voting for. Something more then just "change." Change from what? What do you want change for?
No one can argue the media doesn't want Obama. The public is being swayed by what the media wants.
Obama has become the popular choice. Not because of people's own beliefs, rather because the media and hollywood love Obama so much. Too many people don't think for themselves and do the necessary research.
I can respect anyone's opinion as long as they have researched what they believe in. Only then can they truly believe in what their saying. I may disagree in what you believe but will certainly respect your opinion.
The presidential campaign shouldn't be like running for class president in high school where the cool kid gets elected.
The president should be the most qualified leader for the most important position in the world.
Therefore, not a popularity contest.

Unknown said...

Voting for president isn't like voting for a prom queen, however, it will still be the person who gets the most votes who wins, thats just how it is.....I did research on all the candidates for president. I don't just choose who people think is "cool" just like someone shouldnt vote for a person, just because they are republican, and be like "well, he must be good, he's got experience" what experience really makes mccain different than obama? the fact that he is an old guy who has been around for a long time? You want experience in the whitehouse? Well, seriously who really has the experience of running a country? NO ONE ON THE BALLOT DOES! Change is what this country needs, we can't have someone in the presidency that is going to do the samething over and over again and expecting a different result. It just won't happen. We need someone with fresh views, fresh ideas to bring about change. But, people will believe what they believe, and may only follow a candidate, because they are told to do so, by their church, or members of their political party, which is sad, but as are manythings in life. I am proud to say that noone has 'made' me believe what I believe. I make my own choices in my own life, because I am an individual, and am proud to say that I am because we live in america, and I can believe whatever I want to, no one has the right to tell me otherwise......I just wish more people understood that they have the right to believe whatever they want to, and not just go with what everyone tells them to.

Jeremy said...

Your comment sounds so familiar to me...I think it's because it's really similar to what I said to you...only yours was (I assume, and correct me if I'm wrong) directed towards Becka and myself. The difference is I implied that you're swayed by the media and you implied we are swayed by our church (you're church too by the way) and our own political party.
It's good to hear you've done your homework about the candidates. That's what I was trying to express in my last comment, is how important that is. I don't feel the need to defend myself with how many hours I've studied politics, presidential candidates and american history.
However, I will say how important it is me to be an individual as well. We certainly agree on individualism. With that mindset I'm not easily swayed...by anything. I'm stubborn and critical at best. I'm ok with that because I can still be tactful...usually.
I'm not sure where you got the idea I said we need someone with experience. That's another media thing. I said we need the most "qualified." Last I checked Sarah Palin doesn't have much experience. Obama sure is threatened by her though.

By the way, who doesn't want "change?" Our country is on the brink of recession, gas is sky high, the economy is down, and most people are feeling the hurt of it. Saying, "we want change" is so simple. Hell, even McCain has said it.

I never feel obligated to vote for someone just because they are in our own party or because of our church. Individualism remember. To me McCain is the best choice, but I still have disagreements. And I should because no one is perfect. I hope you have some disagreements with Obama too. You see, we have these certain beliefs and morals which happen to coincide with the republican side and church (your church too). I don't vote for a republican just because he's republican, that's ridiculous. Usually, you have the same standards and beliefs with the candidate.
Being democratic and liberal is all about being "progressive". Just ask Hilary Clinton, in fact she said she'd rather not be called liberal but rather progressive. There's that pesky PC thing again. Progressives want to change beliefs from the past. If that's the change you want, that's your opinion and your belief and if you've studied like you said, I respect it. Those beliefs of ours are still parallel to how our church (yours too) believes.
The church itself isn't making us feel obligated to vote one way or another. It's just that I still have traditional beliefs.
One of the signs of the times from our church is, "the constitution will hang by a thread". You can see that day coming faster and faster all the time.
Progressives have already tried to take the word "God" out of the pledge of allegiance. I hope that day never comes but it sounds like it will.
I'm honestly not trying to offend and hope we can keep this a friendly debate. I also became tired while writing this so if it seems scrambled I apologize.
Anyway, that's where we're coming from.

Unknown said...

I understand that. I didn't mean you and Becka were swayed by the church, I simply meant that a lot of people I know are. They only vote for someone because that's how they grew up, or their husband votes that way, so they will, or their church promotes it.......let me tell you something that was difficult. Trevor's union is a strong Obama pusher. I have a hard time with that, and I am also behind Obama. i don't think they should take a stand like that. I think they should be like the church and stay out of it. Its not right to make people feel obligated, that just since they are members they should vote that way. I also know you didn't say someone with experience, but Becka did in our little phone debate. and Experience and Qualified, can be interchangeable sometimes. I mean seriously, how do we define if someone is "qualified" to run our country? What should they do first......I think whomever gets voted in office is going to have a long road ahead of them to help our economy.......I dont understand how people can think someone who has the same beliefs/background as our "wonderful" president now, will be able to make things better. Look at the job market in Boise. another sign of the times. there is hardly any new construction, or any assistance for people who need it. it is getting harder and harder for people to basically live, their homes are being forclosed on, and they are ending up out on the street living with family, or in an apartment......Why? I am not saying that Obama will be able to fix things over night, and most likely it won't be him who will be in office when it gets changed, but I do believe he can get us on the right path. I don't think that a 70 something man can do that. I'm sorry, but that just seems like that is why everyone thinks he is qualified, because he was around for the civil war! (I don't meany you when I say everyone, this is an analogy.) anyways, this is how I feel, I just woke up, so it might sound a little wierd. sorry. I too want this to be friendly.

Jeremy said...

That's cool, we've compromised and have an, agree to disagree thing going on.
I appreciate you clarifying all your points.
Lastly, I just wanted to say something about Boise. Even though growth has slowed down which results in a slow down of constructing houses there's still a lot of construction here. You can't compare Boise to a city like Seattle by no means but Boise still is a city. The Boise metro area accounts for half of the states population alone.
Anyway, because of the super quick growth here in the last 15 years or so the area is still playing catch-up. The metro area has plans as far as 30 years into the future for building roads, widening roads, reconstructing intersections, rebuilding or building new overpasses over the freeway, etc. The roads haven't caught up to the traffic yet, which is ridiculous.
You see construction all over the place here because it's still playing catch-up and it will be around for a long time. They are re-building 3 freeway overpasses literally right now within a 10 mile stretch between Nampa and Boise.
This doesn't mean the economy isn't down here too because it certainly is. It's like any other city really, if someone doesn't have a job it's because their not looking.
Anyway, that's one reason Becka and I like it here is there is abundant opportunity.
Another thing we like is the balance here. In Seattle (as you know) everyone is liberal, in Southeast Idaho (as you also know) most people are conservative. Here it's pretty balanced politically. I like it that way, I don't like having too much of either one just because I like variety.
Anyway, until next time....