
A special message of love

Sometimes it really hits me that Jeremy is working about 500 miles away from us. And then I get really lonely and miss him. So, today my blog is entirely devoted to him.

I think that most of you know him, but for those of you who don't know him really well, he is the very most special man I could ever ask for! And I have 4 other "men" in my house that love him as much as I do. This is a single snapshot of the goofy guy I know. He puts up with a lot from me and yet he is always supportive and there when a girl like me just needs a special hug.

So, "Sugar Booger", even though you're a billion gazillion miles away, today I want you to know that I am hugging tight to your little boys and hoping and praying that you will be able to fly home to us for good very, very, very, very soon. We love you "as much as your head!!!" (that's a special message just from Timo!)


Brent Hope said...

That's totally not fair that you call him "Sugar Booger." That was the name I used to call him. Now I've got to think of something else.

Tess said...

Aw Becka! That's a sweet post.