

Yes, that's right, folks! I am now the proud owner of a brand new guitar!

I am slowly but surely giving myself little lessons each day. I can play little 2 string strongs such as Jingle Bells, and Aura Lee. It's truly not as grand as I make it sound just yet, but I hope to be able to play a little acoustic guitar fairly soon.

My wonderfully talented brother-in-law, Brent, is a beautiful musician and has been an absolute inspiration to me in this new endeavor, so hopefully we will be sitting around a table struming along to Johnny Cash, the Beatles, or who knows who else! It'll be quite the show!


Brent Hope said...

Nice endeavor!

Let's start a band!

We'll get Jeremy a tambourine and he can front the band.

Jeremy said...

If I can play the cowbell I'm in!