Even in just a few inches of snow, the driveway gets super slick and packed in with those little ice-crystals.
Jeremy caught this picture of a whiny Noah, sucking his favorite thumb, when I was looking at pictures this morning I knew I had to include it.
I had 2 thumb suckers, 1 finger, and 2 pacifier. Jake was the only one who didn't do any! But.... the thumb and finger suckers all have perfectly straight teeth go figure?:) Cute picture, something comforting about it huh?!
All the men in our house have some kind of oral comfort. Jeremy chews on the plastic plate inside bottle caps, Eric still chews and sucks on his shirts and sleeves, Timo sucked his thumb until a few months ago, Noah and Mikey go between their thumbs and pacifiers. But it's adorable and I wouldn't change any of them!
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