
New Blogger Updates

Every few months, weeks, days I get tired of looking at the same colors and pictures on my blog. So today I decided to change things up once again! And since I really haven't posted my regular amount this month, I decided I would make up a post about these new changes.

Now, if you haven't already noticed, I changed the top picture (scroll up to take a look-see.) We just snapped this picture yesterday when it was sunny enough to get a good shot, and they were all awake!

To the right, you can see that I also posted new pictures of Eric with Optimus, Doh-Doh, the Sheriff of Bologna-town (my own favorite nick-name), and Iron Mike (Jerm came up with that one!)

Now if you feel bored or interested enough, you can scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page and try your luck at the hangman feature, and learn a new word!
If you get the word right, you are my favorite visitor of the day! Good luck!


Jeremy said...

"Sheriff of Bologna-town." That cracks me up.

Roo Roo's Corner said...

I love the new picture of the boys! Sooooo cute

Anonymous said...

Your boys are so Handsome.