
An Indian Summer

The past few days have really reminded me what I love about living in Idaho.

Indian Summers.

Yesterday was warm enough for the boys to play outside in the water and today was super warm too. Late summer/early fall is my absolute favorite time of the year. It has usually cooled off some, but is still bright and sunny.

The sun gives me energy and the desire to go out side to play. Lately we have been spending our evenings playing football with the boys until the sun goes down. It is a perfect time to relax and calm down enough for "inside voices."

At the end of each summer, though, I always get excited for the leaves to turn red, orange, and brown and slowly come floating down to cover the ground. Walking through piles of crunchy leaves, making large mounds to run through. By far, my favorite is taking an afternoon drive down a tree-covered lane, speeding over leaves that are piled on the sides of the roads. Making them scurry around, fighting in the air.

So, I welcome the slightly-cooler weather of fall to reign down upon us.

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