
'Fraidey-cat, no more!

Okay, okay, so I implore you to take an interesting trip down memory lane back one year all the way back to September 2008 with me.

September was a very interesting experiment for me. I actually posted a blog regarding the Politically Correct usage of words. Specifically, the usage and past terminology of words describing retarded individuals. I am going to post a link (click here) if you wish to review my original blog. Visit it only at your peril...

So, this blog has since supplied me with a year's worth of blogging anxiety. Each time I decide that I want to blog, the thoughts run through my mind "Am I going to be upsetting anyone? Are strangers going to check out my blog and judge me on it?"

Unfortunately, in this world of blogging and internet users, many people are able to explore (and disagree vehemently) the thoughts and moments of anyone. Well, this blog received some very harsh, negative comments. Maybe they were deserved, maybe not.

Tonight though, I took some time and researched the history of my blogs and I noticed an alarming trend. September 2008 contained 10 posts, but up until this September (an entire year later) I had not posted more than 9 posts per month! What is that about?

Am I seriously too afraid of what strangers and people who haphazardly search random blogs are going to think? Well, I am not going to have the 'fraidey-cat attitude anymore!

This brings me to the last little thought that I had tonight. When my unknown commenter (hmshore) accused me of being judgmental and teaching my boys horrible things, how did she find my site? Was she searching the web for any articles containing the word retard, or imbecile, or idiot? How did she happen upon my site, and why was it that I allowed her comments to discourage me from blogging what was in my heart?


Jessumca said...

you go becca! don't let them bother you. those people are just bored with their lives trying to make themselves seem better. we all know you are a great person and mother!

Jeremy said...
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Becka said...

Thank you, Jess! It felt really good to say all that and finally decide that I'm not going to let anyone hold me down!

Seriously, thank you for the compliments. They mean a lot to me, especially coming from you!

Kristina said...


Its your blog do what you want with it. Don't let other people judge you. If they don't like it then they don't need to read it!

Jeremy said...

Couldn't have said it better myself Jessica.

Ashley Benson said...

you go becka, this is crazy that someone would be like that. and just be who you are. there is only one person to judge someone and that one true judge is God. So unless this women is God then put it up. From what i can tell you are an awsome mom. And like i said it matters what God and your self think no one else. put ur finger in the air like you just dont care.!!!!