
Thank you

Some days go by in such a blur that I forget if I really appreciated my Father in Heaven for everything he has given us, and that probably means that I didn't thank him enough. When situations drag me down, I get sad and even mad, but do I think to pray to him for the strength and guidance I need? Not always. Sometimes I do, but not enough.

I have a wonderful family that is blessed to have good health, great dispositions, and healthy appetites for everything in life. Changing my mood can happen in the blink of an eye. It can be as easy as listening to my boys playing together, Timo bugging Eric telling him a billion times that he loves him, or Noah walking up to me needing a hug right now!

I am so thankful to our Heaven Father guiding us in the world today. I am thankful that he knows us each personally and that he knows what each of us need. Today, I thought that I would share my thoughts with you while my testimony grows bigger and bigger and I give a big thank you to all those who have helped it along the pathway!


Anonymous said...

I love the picture of you and the boys infront of that fountain.

Becka said...

That's one of my favorites too! I love Timo's face in it.

Brent Hope said...

Nice testimony! You're great!