
Let's Get Naked!!!

Okay, so don't be alarmed by the title. This is a little known saying by our little Timo-man. One day, we took the boys to the swimming pool and as Daddy takes the older boys into the mens' dressing room, this silly little guy says "Let's get naked!!!" Very funny, (even funnier than TBS).

Every parent has at least a few pictures of their kids in the bathtub at one point or another. It's a pretty popular bribe technique that can be used later in life...

Me and Jeremy are no different. In the above photo, Noah's bottom is made cute by the face of the much beloved Elmo. Now, I'm not exactly sure what Noah was up to, but I do remember that he was not taking a bath right then.

In this stunning picture, you can see how cute Mikey is. Up until very recently, Mikey has been scared of bath time. But, obviously, that is no longer the case.

This is one of my favorite older photos of me and one of my boys. Anyone want to guess who this little guy is?


Jessumca said...

its Noah! right?

Becka said...

Ding, ding, ding, ding!!! Good job, Jessie!

That's right! This was a baby Noah.

Good job!