
Santa's Toy bag is good to all ages

Christmas is always a wonderful adventure in the Rigby home. Some have been skimpy on the getting side but we are always plentiful love givers.
This year was a perfect year. Santa knocked on the front door and Mommy and Daddy invited him in to place toys under our tree...

No-e-balogn-e was super excited to get Elmo Up Up, new clothes, and lots and lots of yummy candy.

Timo had been going on and on about a cap gun he wanted, so we let in and he became "Timo Six Shooter". It was complete with a bandana, holster, and over 2000 caps to go bang bang.

Eric is secretly a transformer. Well, maybe it's not too much of a secret but it is definitely an obsession. Sometimes when he's telling a story it is almost like he forgets that it wasn't reality.

And Daddy's sock was full of goodies, a Barack Obama book, candy, cologne, and of course, Full Throttle.

I received a very pretty watch, lotion, a beautiful Fry Daddy, pots and pans, a Boise State shower curtain and pot holder, cooking tongs, and much more!

I hope that everyone else had a very Merry Christmas and is gearing up for a Happy New Year!

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