Very infrequently in my life I dream crazy, vivid dreams. Still-unexplained dreams such as frantically running from a deranged clown in a small town desperately trying to get to home base, which is a broken clock tower. Strange (and mildly gross) dreams about being able to open a tummy pouch and take an Eric-fetus out of my belly and cuddle him.
Yeah, I know, I probably shouldn't have laid that one out there, but in my defense I did warn you in the first part of the sentence!
Okay, so for those of you still with me, I bet you're wondering where exactly I am going with this little story.
Well, as you can tell, most of my dreams have no specific rhyme or reason, they just are what they are. Some of them on the other hand, are simply amazing!
About 2 weeks ago, (*while approaching finals week in school*) I received yet another addition to the wild and crazy dreams category. And this specific dream was so weird and original, that I have been fighting the desire to tell everyone about it. I lost that battle tonight, and you are here to witness the story.
(~And one more thing...~)
Okay, where was I? Oh, yeah, I remember. One day, me and Jeremy were enjoying the sunshine and relative privacy of a lakeside beach. Now, to start with an explanation, the beach was a high-grade slope about 100 feet long going down to the crystal clear water. Where the water met the beach, large trees came stretching out, providing perfect spots to tie on rope swings, but the water wasn't exactly safe to swim in. It had large sharks and other man-eating creatures in it.
So, the boys were standing at the top of this slope while me and Jeremy were enjoying some quiet time about 50 feet away from them. All of a sudden, we hear Timo and Eric yelling at Noah, who has slid all the way down the beach and is in the water. Well, obviously without even thinking I race down to the water's edge and pull him to safety. When I get the now soaking wet Noah back to the safe-zone, I see that Mikey has crawled about halfway down to the water. As I start moving to his rescue, I see a pride of lions that are standing about 25 feet away from him. Unwilling to back down, I slowly move toward my Mikey and grab him up.
Then we all start running, running, running our little hearts out, huffing and puffing all the way to the car. As we get closer to the car, the lions get closer to us. Until all of a sudden, the Leader of the Pride, the King of the Castle, has caught up with me and Mikey (who is being lugged around by yours truly). This gigantic beast of an animal starts licking his lips and snarling at us.

Tense, right? Whew! I get all nervous again just writing about it, but the story must go on...
Without even thinking about it, I stop dead in my tracks. With my eyes closed, I start to say an emotional and completely heart-felt prayer to my Heavenly Father (whom I truly love and have absolute faith in). I ask him to help my family reach the safety of our vehicle and save us from the prideful lions. As I pray, I slowly start noticing that I am being guided to safety.
Of course, the dream ends with my entire family safely inside the confines of our vehicle.

Okay, so now that I've spilled the story beans all over the blogger table, I am a little unsure of where to go from here. One thing I do know is that this dream is amazing and awesome! My faith and trust in the Lord has been strengthened through the knowledge that He will save anyone who asks with pure belief and faith in their hearts. For Him, no task is too trivial or too big.
And, to change the topic, once again, I will digress to two previous thoughts I had...
*Finals week was last week, and I am glad to say that this Monday I started a brand new slate of classes! Ah, a completely fresh start!*
~Grammar is not as important as one may think. Always, always, absolutely always remember to completely forget any grammar lessons you may remember from elementary school while reading my blog. When was the last time someone corrected your grammar and it actually made a difference beside royally ticking you off?~
This is a powerful dream. You were lucky to have it. We should listen to it.
Don't hang out near lakes that have man eaters swimming in it? Immediately start praying when you see a lion in person?
No, seriously. It was an amazing dream and an awesome experience in building my testimony! This dream is full of advise and wisdom, so we really should listen to it!
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